By nature, many nonprofits are resourceful, which is why they oftentimes turn to social media as another marketing tool. Many nonprofit organizations heavily rely on social media to share news, recruit volunteers, and fundraise. Here are three ways to ensure social media supports your nonprofit:

  1. Share Your News!

Update your followers on organization news or events. The more that followers know about your events, the more likely they are to attend and increase their engagement with your organization.  Followers are also able to share their thoughts and get involved with the nonprofit just by leaving a simple comment. By interacting on social media platforms, you are expanding your audience, encouraging more people to get involved with your organization.

2. Recruit Volunteers

Whether it’s for fundraising or for other services, nonprofits are always looking for volunteers. Since people are constantly on media platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, one of the best ways to catch the attention of a potential volunteer is through a call-to-action via social media. Content shared via LinkedIn will especially impact potential volunteers from the business community to see what your nonprofit is aiming to achieve.

3. Fundraise on multiple platforms 

Since many nonprofits rely heavily on donations and fundraisers to thrive, social media can help keep donation goals met. For example, not everyone that supports a nonprofit would be able to attend an event or fundraiser since they may not live locally to the fundraiser. However, if advertised on social media, followers can still be made aware of the event and even donate to show their support virtually since they cannot show their support in person. There can also be virtual-only fundraisers that can be advertised through social media.

Interested in learning more about growing your donor base via social media paid and organic tactics? Reach out to Marketing Maven to learn more about why we’re ranked 30 nationally among the top agencies supporting nonprofits by O’Dwyer’s: