With artificial intelligence growing smarter every day, “for you” pages on social media are carefully curated to the individual. How do you break through the algorithm and get your content in front of the masses? How can you get a “viral” video?

The concept of virality has become a coveted achievement for content creators and marketers alike. What exactly makes some content go viral while others languish in obscurity? The answer lies in understanding the psychology behind what makes content memorable and unique.

Emotional Resonance

Emotion drives engagement. Content that evokes strong emotions – joy, inspiration, humor, anger – is more likely to be shared. This is why “hope core” stories, humorous videos, and angry rants often dominate our social media feeds.

Novelty and Shock Factor

Novelty is a powerful driver of attention and engagement. Content that can offer a fresh perspective, challenge assumptions, or deliver unexpected twists is more likely to capture people’s interest and encourage them to share it with others. When they break the pattern and offer something new and unexpected, content creators see higher engagement.

Practical Value

Content that provides practical value or solves a problem for the viewer is inherently shareable. Whether it’s a life hack, a tutorial, or a product recommendation, people share information that can improve their lives or make tasks easier. By providing useful tips, content creators can foster trust with their audience, increasing the likelihood of shares and engagement.

Narrative and Storytelling

More and more viral content, especially in the age of Tik-Tok and smaller attention spans, consists of stories and retelling life experiences in a captivating way. Humans are wired to respond to stories. Storytelling brings the audience in and lets them root for or against the narrator and the conflict in the story. It engages the audience, and they begin to crave updates and resolutions, making them more likely to return to the poster’s page and engage further.


Posts are more likely to gain traction when viewers see that others are also sharing it and engaging with the content. Content that has already garnered likes, shares, and comments signals that it’s worth paying attention to, elevating its perceived value and credibility. Leveraging social proof through testimonials, user-generated content, and influencer endorsements can increase the reach and impact of content.

The psychology of virality isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but by understanding the underlying principles that drive human behavior, content creators and marketers can increase their chances of creating shareable and memorable content. By appealing to emotions, providing practical value, offering novelty and surprise, and leveraging social proof, content can break through the noise and capture the attention of audiences, sparking conversations and driving engagement across social media platforms.

Want to learn more about how Marketing Maven can help your content engagement? Reach out to info@marketingmaven.com.